Examination of prospective teachers’ digital competence in the context of lifelong learning
The aim of this study is to assess digital competence of teachers within the context of lifelong learning. One of the descriptive research models, survey model has been used in this study. Scope of this study includes 318 candidate teachers studying at Pedagogical Formation program. As data collection tool, a scale is developed from a sample group different from the original research group but chosen from the same scope. When we look at the average scores obtained from the scale for analysis, the level of digital competences of candidate teachers is “Partially Sufficient” and close to the level of “ Sufficient.”It is observed that there is a significant difference according to the gender variable. Male candidate teachers have higher averages in every item and overall scale when compared with female candidate teachers. There is not any significant difference in average scores of candidate teachers according to education level.According to department variable there is a significant difference between some departments (Biology - Arabic Language and Literature). According to computer class variable (whether he/she takes it) digital competences does not change.
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