Multicultural Teacher Competencies Scale for Primary Teachers: Development and Implementation Study *

Keywords: Multiculturalism, Multicultural education, Multicultural teacher competencies, Scale development


In this survey study, it is aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale that can measure multicultural teacher competencies of primary teachers and to examine their multicultural teacher competencies. Three different participant groups were determined by convenience sampling technique. With 336 primary teachers exploratory factor analysis (EFA), with 349 primary teachers confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted.  Then, multicultural teacher competencies of 419 primary teachers in the third group were determined with the scale developed. Data collected through Google forms was analyzed with SPSS 24.0. EFA, CFA, correlation, t-test, Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were carried out in the analysis. As a result of the analysis, consisting of 22 items and three factors; both the overall reliability coefficient, confirmed by CFA, was .94, explaining 62.10% of the total variance and the reliability coefficient values for each factor were calculated as .93 for the first factor, .85 for the second factor and .86 for the third factor. In addition, it was determined that teachers had the most self-efficacy regarding the resilience sub-dimension, followed by their sensitivity to differences and multicultural pedagogical competencies. Multicultural teacher competencies differed significantly in favor of women. There is a significant difference in sensitivity to differences in favor of younger teachers. In the sub-dimension of resilience, it was determined that teachers who work in larger cities had more resilience while there was no significant difference in the context of professional experience.


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How to Cite
Güven, M., Çam Aktaş, B., Babayiğit, B., Şenel, E. A., Kip Kayabaş, B., & Sever, D. (2022). Multicultural Teacher Competencies Scale for Primary Teachers: Development and Implementation Study *. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 12(2), 441-472.