Problems and Practices Experienced by Preschool Education Teachers in Inclusive Education

Keywords: inclusive education, Preschool Period, Inclusive Preschool Education


This research was conducted in order to determine the problems that preschool teachers experience in the inclusive education process and to determine the educational practices of teachers for students who benefit from inclusive education. The study was designed in a qualitative design and purposeful sampling method was used. In the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 preschool teachers working with disadvantaged children in different provinces of Turkey. In forming the questions in the semi-structured interview form, the relevant literature was scanned and the opinions of field experts were consulted. The research data were analyzed by content analysis technique. As a result of the study, it was determined that pre-school teachers do not feel professionally competent in inclusive education and do not receive enough practical training in undergraduate education. It has been observed that teachers have some problems with children, families, administrators and legislation in the learning and teaching process regarding inclusive education. In addition, it has been observed that teachers make various practices for children, families and the educational environment in order to create an inclusive education environment. It is thought that teachers should be supported in terms of knowledge and practice in inclusive education through in-service trainings, and prospective teachers should be offered opportunities to work with children from different disadvantaged groups during undergraduate education.


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How to Cite
Vural, D., Pişkin, N., & Durmuşoğlu, M. (2021). Problems and Practices Experienced by Preschool Education Teachers in Inclusive Education. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 11(2), 287-308.