Determining the 8th grade students’ misconceptions in the unit of “Cell Division” by using roundhouse diagramming

  • Erkan Akyürek
  • Özlem Afacan
Keywords: Concept, misconception, roundhouse diagramming


The aim of this study is to determine the 8th grade students’ misconceptions about the unit of “Cell Division” by using roundhouse diagramming. Out of descriptive research types, survey model was used in this research. The sample of the study consisted of 26 eighth grade students (Boy–12/Girl–14) from “A Primary School” in Kirsehir, Tukey. Three roundhouse diagrams were drawn to determine misconceptions of students about seven basic concepts in the unit of cell division. The results of this research show that the vast majority of students had misconceptions about “DNA, chromosome, gene”, “mutation, modification” and “mitosis and meiosis”.


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How to Cite
Akyürek, E., & Afacan, Özlem. (2012). Determining the 8th grade students’ misconceptions in the unit of “Cell Division” by using roundhouse diagramming. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 2(3), 47-58.