Using Oxford iTools and iTutor software in english language teaching and ıts effect on preparatory class students’ academic achievement

  • Güneş Korkmaz
  • Semra Demir Başaran
Keywords: Academic achievement, computer assisted instruction, language learning software, English language teaching


In the current so-­‐‑called knowledge era, there are various technological materials to be used in foreign language learning. These materials are widely used inside or outside classrooms. However, only those that are based on scientific evidence for positive effects should be used for successful results. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using Oxford iTools and iTutor software on preparatory class students’ academic achievement. Research design of the study is based on mixed methods which include quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample of the study consists of 40 preparatory class students studying at a private vocational college. Experimental group was taught through computer assisted language instruction method with iTools and iTutor whereas control group was instructed through the conventional method using only a coursebook. To collect the quantitative data, an “English Achievement Test” developed by the researchers was used as pretest and posttest. To collect the qualitative data, a “Semi Structured Interview Form” was used. To analyze the quantitative data, Mann-­‐‑Whitney U and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tests were used. The qualitative data gathered from interview forms were analyzed with the descriptive analysis method. Quantitative findings of the study revealed that there was a significant difference in the students’ academic achievement in favor of experimental group and the data from interview forms showed that the software used in the study increased students’ academic achievement.


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How to Cite
Korkmaz, G., & Demir Başaran, S. (2016). Using Oxford iTools and iTutor software in english language teaching and ıts effect on preparatory class students’ academic achievement. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 6(11), 55-69.