The development of DACEM curriculum evaluation criteria

  • Nevriye Yazçayır
Keywords: Demirel's Analytical-Beneficiary Curriculum Evaluation Model, curriculum evaluation, curriculum evaluation criteria


The aim of this study is to analyse and develop the "Curriculum Evaluation Criteria" used in curriculum evaluation within the scope of "Demirel Analytical/Beneficiary Curriculum Evaluation Model (DACEM)" developed by Demirel. The evaluation and revision of evaluation criteria in the DACEM was carried out in three basic stages. In the first stage, the original criteria to be used in the evaluation of secondary education curricula based on the curriculum  evaluation model were rearranged and revised by three curriculum development specialists for the assessment of secondary high schools’ curricula. In the second stage, the results obtained at the first stage were retested in the field and then reviewed and revised by the five curriculum development experts. During the third and last stage of the study the criteria set at the second stage were reviewed and revised by twenty-two curriculum development experts. The finalised criteria covered the general characteristics of the five basic dimensions of the model. These five dimensions were context, objectives / attainments, content, learning- teaching process and measurement-evaluation. Researchers can utilize all or some of these criteria specified in the context of the relevant dimensions.


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How to Cite
Yazçayır, N. (2016). The development of DACEM curriculum evaluation criteria. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 6(12), 169-186.