An investigation of teacher candidates’ opinions about their self- directed learning skills
The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of teacher candidates regarding their self-directed learning skills. The qualitative research method was used in this study and it was carried out with 32 teacher candidates at a public university. The study was framed based on a phenomenology design and the data were collected through semi structured interviews. Descriptive analysis method was used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that teacher candidates usually felt the need to learn about the subjects that contribute to their professional and personal development and topics that they are interested in and/or they wonder about. It was found that the teacher candidates set their learning goals in accordance with the situation they would use the information for and the benefit they anticipate. However, they generate their learning plans in accordance with the course/subject they would study and the time they would be able to study most productively. When deciding on how to determine the learning strategies that they would use during the learning process, participants mentioned availability within the course/subject, effect on the information to be learned and the time and criteria required for their use as crucial. Participants also mentioned that they review their process of learning in terms of the impact of their studying and the time they spent for learning and that they usually evaluate their learning outcomes in terms of their test results. The participants were found to be reporting desirable behaviors concerning self-direction in terms of motivation, persistence (being persistent in learning) and taking the responsibility of learning. The findings reviewed in general show us that the teacher candidates are able to use their self-directed learning skills efficiently.
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