Trends and problems in curriculum evaluation studies in turkey: the perspective of domain experts
The aim of this study was to look into the trends and problems related to curriculum evaluation studies in Turkey. For this purpose, opinions of domain experts about the organization, qualities and utility of curriculum evaluation studies were identified. 50 academicians working in 33 different institutions participated in this case study. These participants were selected using maximum variation and criterion sampling methods. In analysing the data collected through the focus group technique, content analysis was used. The results of the study indicated that curriculum evaluation studies should be conducted based on a model or models when necessary. Evaluation studies should aim to improve curriculum and/or to maintain its continuity, to inform stakeholders and to contribute to the field. Its decision making function and its objectives distinguish curriculum evaluation from research studies. In evaluation studies, stakeholders are the individuals either directly or indirectly affected by or affecting the curriculum. A curriculum evaluator should be competent in research, curriculum development and evaluation processes, and the specific curriculum that would be evaluated.
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