The role of parents in developing students' self-regulated learning skills

  • Muhammet Fatih Doğan
  • Çiğdem Şahin Taşkın
Keywords: Self-regulated learning, learning-teaching process, parents' support


The literature suggests that there is a positive correlation between self-regulation and academic achievement. However, self-regulation skills are initially gained and shaped based on a family`s attitudes and behavior. For this reason there is a need to identify knowledge and attitudes about self-regulated learning in families. The aim of this study is to identify the perceptions of parents about self-regulated learning and how they support the development of self-regulated learning skills among their children. In this research study, semi-structured interviews were carried out with 25 parents whose children were fourth graders in Istanbul. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings demonstrated that, extensive research should be carried out to raise the awareness of parents regarding self-regulated learning and to investigate how they can motivate their children to become self -regulated learners.




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How to Cite
Doğan, M., & Şahin Taşkın, Çiğdem. (2016). The role of parents in developing students’ self-regulated learning skills. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 6(12), 1-18.