Evaluation of the Professional Development Program in Digital Material Design According to the Kirkpatrick’s Model

Evaluation of In-Service Training Program Developed for Digital Material

Keywords: Digital material, teacher training, in-service training, technology, Kirkpatrick model


Today's developments have revealed the necessity of using digital materials in educational environments. The digital material design competencies of the teachers on this subject are essential. In this context, it is necessary to develop and evaluate a professional development program. The purpose of the current study is an evaluation of the professional development program developed for the digital material design according to Kirkpatrick’s Model. In the current study, a digital materials design professional development program consisting of 10 modules and 21 subjects was developed. Kirkpatrick’s Program Evaluation Model was used in the evaluation of the program. In this context, teachers' reactions to the program, their learning levels, their ability to transfer the knowledge they have acquired to the classroom environment, and the target audience's opinions on the practices were determined. “The Digital Materials Design Competences Scale” and "The Scale of Self-Efficacy Perception of Technology Integration" was used to collect quantitative data. Interviews and the observation technique were used to collect qualitative data. According to the findings, it was determined that the teachers expressed positive opinions about the program and that they were satisfied with the program. It was concluded that after the professional development program, the teachers' digital material design competencies and their self-efficacy perceptions of the integration of technology developed. The follow-up evaluation study determined that teachers could transfer the knowledge and skills they gained in the professional development program to the actual classroom environment, and students expressed positive opinions about these practices.


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How to Cite
Göçen Kabaran, G., & Uşun, S. (2021). Evaluation of the Professional Development Program in Digital Material Design According to the Kirkpatrick’s Model. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 11(1), 65-88. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31704/ijocis.2021.004