Assessing the attainments of elementary school science and technology program according to the principles of constructivism

  • Zeki Arsal
Keywords: Constructivism, program, attainments, Science and Technology


The aim of the study was to assess the attainments of the elementary school science and technology course program according to the principles of constructivisim. The principles of attainments of the program based on constructivism were identified by investigating the related literature on constructivisim. The five principles identified were used as a criterion in the study. All of the attainments of the elementary school science and technology course program were analyzed and evaluated according to the principles of constructivism. The results of the study indicated that the attainments of the elementary school science and technology course program were generally not appropriate structured according to identified principles of constructivism. It was suggested that the elementary school science and technology course program attainments should be design according to the principles of constructivism.


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How to Cite
Arsal, Z. (2012). Assessing the attainments of elementary school science and technology program according to the principles of constructivism. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS), 2(3), 1-14.